The Space Song Foundation is included in the Center for Land Use Interpretation’s (CLUI) upcoming exhibition at their Desert Research Station (DRS). The exhibition, “Remote Sensing: Explorations Into the Art of Detection,” is part of the Getty’s 2024-2025 PST initiative, Art + Science Collide.
The Space Song Foundation has been working for a couple of years with a Joshua Tree at the CLUI DRS site, and for this iteration of the Space Song Foundation’s ongoing investigation, the tree will detect transmissions from a specific kind of satellite as it zooms through the sky––SpaceX’s Starlink satellites. Prior to the introduction of the Starlink system, internet access was hard to come by at the CLUI DRS. Now that the station is wired up with Starlink access, the internet works very well. However, the tree antenna picks up a lot of noise from the Starlink frequency range, highlighting the spectrum of pros and cons inherent in technological innovations such as this.
The exhibition will be on view at the CLUI Desert Research Station in Hinkley, CA from January 11-February 16th. The CLUI’s related exhibition at the Culver City gallery is on view from September 13-September 16. Dates and times of exhibition events are forthcoming.
More about the exhibition can be found on the CLUI website.